Sales Order

This form is used for recording customers’ orders. Customers’ orders are considered to be in draft or pending state until they are confirmed.

This form is used for entering sales order transactions.

Sales transactions that do not require a separate shipment step use another form (Direct Shipment).

Explanation of Header Fields

Order. No

Capslock. Required. Cannot be changed by the user after the record has been saved.

Customer ID.

Capslock. Required. Cannot be changed by the user in edit mode.

Customer Name

For display only.

Salesperson ID.

Capslock. Required.

Quotation No.

Optional, will copy the Quotation Information into Sales Order when entered.


Optional, the brief description of this sales order

Order Date

Required. On entry, initialized to the system date or business date.

Ship From

Required. Capslock. Must be a valid storage location.


Capslock. Required.

Exchange Rate

Must be greater than zero.

Delivery Date

Required. On entry, initialized to be the same as Order_Date. Must not be earlier than Order_Date. Error “Request date must not be earlier than Order Date".

Customer PO


Explanation of Item Tab

Item No.

Capslock. Required.


Look-up field with Item Master.

Customer Item No

Optional, Look-up field with Customer Price List

Order Qty.

Must be greater than zero. Provide up to 4 decimal places.


Required. On entry, if new record and empty, default to the item’s sales unit. Must be a valid unit of measure.

Unit Price

Must not be less than zero. Provide up to 4 decimal places.

Discount Rate

Range 0 to 100. Provide up to 2 decimal places.


Computed as Order_Qty * (Unit_Price * Discount_Rate / 100) rounded to 2 decimal places.

If the user changes this field, the Discount_Rate will be automatically updated.

Vendor ID

Optional, required when “Generate Purchase Order”

Explanation of Shipping Information Tab

Ship To

Capslock. No defaults.

If user enters a non-blank Address Code, find the entry in Shipment Addresses where for the customer.

Ship. Address

Optional. On entry, if Shipment_Address is blank, initializes based on address entry in the Customer Master.

Ship Via


Shipment Terms


Country of Origin












Explanation of Billing Information Tab


Capslock. Required. Must be a valid entry in the Payment Terms table.

Price Code

Capslock. Optional.

Billing Address

For display only.

Gross Item Amount

For display only.


Range 0 to 100. If not zero, compute Trade_Disc_Amt = Gross_Item_Amt * Trade_Disc_Percent / 100. Round to 2 decimal places.

"Field after Trade Discount"

If Trade_Disc_Percent is not zero, this field is for display only.

If Trade_Disc_Percent, must not be less than zero and must not be greater than Gross_Item_Amt.

Total Charges

For display only.

Net Order Amount

For display only.

Deposit Needed

True or false. Default to false. If set to true by the user, he will be required to specify either a percentage rate for the deposit or a deposit amount.

Deposit Rate (%)

If Deposit_Needed is false, this is set to 0 and cannot be changed by the user. Range 0 to 100.

Deposit Amount

If Deposit_Needed is false, this is set to 0 and cannot be changed by the user.

If Deposit_Rate is not zero, this is read only and automatically computed by the system as (Net_Order_Amt * Deposit_Rate / 100) rounded to 2 decimal places. Must not be less than zero.

Explanation of Particulars Tab

Check Box

Checked the Check Box if you wish to select this particular


You can optionally edit the Description after the check box is checked.

Explanation of Charges Tab

Charge Type



Required. Can be amend.


Must be greater than zero.

Explanation of Remarks Tab

This box is optional and is used for entering any additional comments.

Explanation of Attachment Tab


Click the “.. “ button to attached any file from your drives to this document for later reference.



Created by

For display only

Creation date

For display only

See also: