Payment Receipt

This form is used for entry of payments from customers. Payment processing also provides facility for specifying the invoices that are to be settled by a particular payment. If the paid amount, or portions thereof, is not assigned to specific invoices, such amounts are treated as unapplied document amounts and may be assigned later using the Unapplied Documents Application form.

Explanation of Header Fields

Receipt No

Required. Capslock. Cannot be changed once created.

Receipt Date

Required. Default to system date.

Customer ID

Required. Capslock.

Customer Name

Display the corresponding customer name after the customer number has been specified.

Ref No


Cash Account

Required. Capslock.




Required. Capslock.

Exch. Rate

Must be greater than zero. If the currency is the same as Base currency, set the rate to 1 and cannot be changed by the user.

Payment Amt

Must be greater than zero.

Cheque Date




PD Cheque

Is Post-Dated Cheque. See Post-Dated Cheque Processing Demonstration

Explanation of Detail Fields

Invoice No.

Required. Capslock. Cannot be changed once the record is saved.

Amount to Apply

Must not be less than zero. If Term Disc. is the same as Balance, then Paid amount should be zero and cannot be changed by the user.

Must not be greater than Balance amount.


Must not be less than zero. Must not be greater than Balance.

Document Balance

For display only. Computed as (Net Invoice Amt – Total Amt Paid previously – Total Previous Term Discounts - Total Previous Adjustments/Credit Memos to the invoice).

Original Currency

For display only

Doc Type

For display only

Doc Date

For display only.

Disc Date

For display only.

Due Date

For display only.

Profit Centre

For display only.

Explanation of Voucher Tab

The purposes of this Voucher Tab are

    1. View the distributed Accounts before post this Invoice to General Ledger for verification.
  1. Modify the GL Account Code and/or Amount to handle particular cases that cannot be handled in normal Profit Centre accounts distribution before post this Invoice to GL.

See also: What is the purpose of Generate Voucher in AR Receipt/AP Payment?

Explanation of Attachment Tab


Click the “.. “ button to attached any file from your drives to this document for later reference.



Created by

For display only

Creation date

For display only