Credit Adjustment

This form is used to reduce the total receivables amount from a customer. Adjustment processing is generally used in cases whereby the reduction does not specify which particular invoice is affected. Otherwise, use Credit Memo instead.

Explanation of Fields

Ref. No

Required. Capslock. Cannot be changed once created.


Required. Default to system date.

Customer ID

Required. Capslock.

Profit Centre

Required. This specifies which accounts will be debited or credited as a result of the adjustment.

Customer Name

Display the corresponding customer name after the customer number has been specified.




Required. Capslock. Default to the customer's pay currency. This cannot be changed once the record has been saved.

Exch. Rate

Must be greater than zero. If the currency is the same as Base currency, set the rate to 1 and cannot be changed by the user.

Memo Amount

Must be greater than zero. You can input only this amount without input any information in Item Tab and Charges Tab.

Explanation of Items Tab

Item No.

Required. Capslock. Cannot be changed once the record is saved.


If Non-Stock Invoice in Company Setup is turned off, display Item Name

If Non-Stock Invoice in Company Setup is turned on, free text input by user.

Order No.



Must be greater than zero. Provide up to 4 decimal places.


Required. Default to the item's sales unit as defined in the form Global Reference - Item Registry.

Unit Price

Must not be less than zero. Provide up to 4 decimal places.

Disc %

Range 0 to 100. Provide up to 2 decimal places. Set default to GBITEM.Item_Discount.

Net Price

Hidden. Computed as (Unit_Price - (Unit_Price * Discount_Rate / 100)) rounded to 4 decimal places.


For display only. Computed as (Chargeable_Qty * Net_Price) rounded to 2 decimal places.

Explanation of Charges Tab

Charge Type

Required. Capslock.




Must be greater than zero.

Explanation of Explanation Tab

This box is optional and is used for entering any additional comments.

Explanation of Voucher Tab

The purposes of this Voucher Tab are

    1. View the distributed Accounts before post this Invoice to General Ledger for verification.
  1. Modify the GL Account Code and/or Amount to handle particular cases that cannot be handled in normal Profit Centre accounts distribution before post this Invoice to GL.

See also: What is the purpose of Generate Voucher in AR Receipt/AP Payment?

Explanation of Total Tab

Gross Item Amt

For display only. This is the total amount of the Amount column of the item details portion.


If there is a trade discount, you may either specify the percentage or the amount. If you enter the percentage (in the first field), then the amount is automatically computed. If you do not enter any percentage (that is, zero or nothing), then the system will allow you to specify the discount amount in the next field.

Total Charges Amt.

This is the total of the Amount column of the charges details.

Net Memo Amt.

For display only. This is the total of Net_Item_Amt and Total_Charges_Amt.

Explanation of Attachment Tab


Click the “.. “ button to attached any file from your drives to this document for later reference.



Created by

For display only

Creation date

For display only