What's New in ERPro 3.11
January 2, 2007
Buy One Get One Free Promotion. Existing ERPro Customer can get an extra FREE ERPro Client License if you order one or more Client License(s) within the Promotion Period.
- Special offer to existing ERPro Customers only and cannot be used in conjunction with other offer/promotion/discount.
- Client License included Small Business Edition Client, Corporate Edition Client and HRPro Edition Client.
- Promotion Period is valid from now till January 31, 2007.
System Manager
l Added Integrity Check 'AR - Invoice Detail Return Amount against Credit Memo'
General Ledger
l Financial Position GLEFP added Figures Tab
l Voucher Enquiry GLEVL add columns RECONCILED and RECONCILIATION_REF
l Enabled account enquiry even if the account is not a "posting account"
l Redesign "Produce End Product" GBFPE User Interface
l Removed WIP Accounts in Inventory Cost Centre GBFIC
l Inventory Details Enquiry ICESE added checkbox "Below Safety Stock"
l Add Column "Qty On So (Parts Required)" in Inventory Status ICEIM - Assortment Tab
l Change the width of Shipment Terms from 15 to 30 in Quotation, Sales Order, Order Amendment, Direct Sales and Shipment
l Added YTD Sales Reports:
1. YTD Sales by Customer SLRYSC
2. YTD Sales by Customer Class SLRYSCC
3. YTD Sales by Item SLRYSI
4. YTD Sales by Item Category SLRYSIC
5. YTD Sales by Salesperson SLRYSS
l Added Generate PO Requisitions from Sales Order Post Button.
l Give "Over Shipped Warning" in Shipment SLFSH
l Added Input Form PO Requisition PUFRE
l Added Document PO Requisition PURRE
l Give "Over Received Warning" in Good Received PUFGR
Please contact ERPro Support Team by email support@nutech.com.hk or phone 2782-0669 for upgrade arrangement.