What's new in ERPro/HRPro 6.7? (August 3, 2009)
August 3, 2009
ERPro 6.7
- Added checkbox Show Chargeable Qty in Direct Shipment in Sales Setup GBFGP6
- Added Chargeable Qty to Direct Shipment if the Show Chargeable Qty in Direct Shipment is checked
- Added checkbox Show Chargeable Qty in Purchase Order in Purchase Setup GBFGP7
- Added Chargeable Qty to Purchase Order if the Show Chargeable Qty in Purchase Order is checked
- Added AP Detail Aging Report APRGD
- Added AP Detail Aging Summary APRSD
- The number of Aging Category in AP Setup increased from 4 to 6
- Added Undo Unapplied Document Refund Posting APFUR in AP module
- Chart of Account GBFCA now support Import/Export Excel File.
HRPro 6.7
- End of Support for SQL Server 2000 Announcement - The support for SQL Server 2000 running HRPro will end on December 31, 2009. HRPro 7.0 (released at Jan 2, 2010) will no longer support SQL Server 2000 as the database server. Customers running SQL Server 2000 are encouraged to migrate to SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008.
- Added Tolerance (mins per month) in Late Deduction Type for Late Deduction payroll calculation
- Added termination reason and code to Terminated Employee List PLRTE
- Added function Attendance Update PLFAU to update the existing attendance records (Late-In, Early-out, Absent, etc) of the given period based on the existing Leave Records
- Added column EE MC to Taxable Income Report PLRTI
- Added Lunch In Tolerance in Global Workhours and Shift Code
- Added checkbox option Webleave Show Leave Balance in Employee Master
- Added checkbox option Webleave Show Attendance in Employee Master
Client under warranty period or covered by a Maintenance and Support Plan is entitled free upgrade, please contact ERPro Support Team by email support@nutech.com.hk for upgrade arrangement.