What's New in ERPro/HRPro 6.0
January 2, 2009
ERPro 6.0
- Deploy modern Flat style user interface
- Support Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Some performance improvements
- Added Sales Document - Customer Price List SLRPR
- Added Undo Invoice Posting ARFUI
- Added Undo Debit Memo Posting ARFUD
- Added Undo Vendor Invoice Posting APFUI
- Added Undo Vendor Debit Memo Posting APFUD
- Added Show all overdues button in AP Payment Voucher APFPA
- Allow amend Deposit needed rate and amount in SO Amendment
- Allow amend Deposit needed rate and amount in PO Amendment
- Unit Price Decimals now support up to 6 decimal places
- Support Purchase Return on paid invoice, now Debit Adjustment (instead of Vendor Credit Memo) will be created
- Changed the term Global Function to Master Setup
- Added Unit Conversion Table to Inventory Status ICEIM
HRPro 6.0
- Deploy modern Flat style user interface
- Support Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Some performance improvements
- Added Annual Leave Enquiry PLFLQ to project Annual Leave balance by a given date
- Split HRPro Setup Screen PLFSU into 7 screens (by module)
- Autopay File Format added support for Standard Chartered DGP
- Attendnance Import - support TEXT (ABX Device) format
- Added OT treated as Regarded Wage Only when OT amount is greater than 20% of the regarded wage checkbox option in HRPro Setup
- Added maximum days to retain in Annual Leave Forfeiture PLFLF
- Added Salary Pay Date Combo Box in Payroll Adjustment
- Change the width of Remarks in Leave Entry, Leave Adjustment and Leave Approval from 60 to 255
- Added pay type 7,8,9 to employee master for regular pay purpose
- HRPro Reminder will remind date type User-Defined-Fields (UDF 11-15)
- Added two more Leave Natures - Sick Leave (Full Pay) and Sick Leave (No Pay)
- Generate MPF File PLPMI now can generate Excel Report
- Generate MPF File PLPMI now supports Manulife Direct File Interface
- Added field Region in Holiday Table
Client under warranty period or covered by a Maintenance Plan is entitled free upgrade, please contact ERPro Support Team by email support@nutech.com.hk or phone 2782-0669 for upgrade arrangement.