How to setup and run ERPro if Windows User do not have local administrator rights
Step 1, Install ERPro required local administrator rights. You must temporarily assign local administrator rights to this windows user by following this steps.
1) from your desktop, right click on My Computer
2) select Manage
3) On the computer management screen, press the plus sign in front of Local Users and Groups
4) click on Users and your user(s) will appear on the right side of the window
5) right click on one user and select properties
6) click the member of tab
7) If Administrators is not on the list, press the add button and select advanced button
8) press the Find Now button and double click on administrators in the list below
9) press OK until you are back to your desktop
Log out and log on as the user. The user should now possess full administrative rights to their workstation.
Step 2, install ERPro by running the ERPro.msi inside the setup folder in the shared ERPro folder. Refer ERPro Workstation Setup Procedure
Step 3, run the ERPro.exe to make sure the program is working.
Step 4. remove the local administrator rights if you do not want your user is as local administrator by referring step 1.
Step 5. run the ERPro.exe to make sure the program is working in normal user right level.