Purchase Requisition
This form is used for entering and preparing new Purchase Requisition (PR).
When preparing an order, the following need to be specified:
- The Vendor ID (If Vendor ID do not know during the PR process, a dummy vendor ID should be used)
- P.R. Date and Request Date (Request delivery date)
- Currency that will be used.
- The items going to purchase.
When a P.R. is posted, a Purchase Order (with status unposted) will be created automatically.
Explanation of Header Fields
P.R. No
The main reference for the whole transaction. Required. Capslock. Accept any characters. The entry here cannot be changed once the record is saved. The auto number can be defined in Purchasing Setup in Company Setup.
P.R. Date
Date of the transaction. Required. Default to system date.
Request Date
Required. Default to P.R. date. Must not be earlier than order date. During creation of item details, this date will be assigned as the default date for the first delivery.
Vendor ID.
Required. Capslock. Defined in Vendor Maintenance
Vendor Name
For display only.
Buyer No.
Capslock. Optional. Must be defined in the form Buyer Master.
S/O No.
Optional. Cannot be changed once the record is saved.
Ship To
This is the storage location for which the purchase order should be delivered to. Required. Capslock.
Required. Capslock. Default to the setting in the form Vendor Master.
Cannot be changed by the user if the purchase order has at least one PURCHASE ORDER DETAIL record.
Exch. Rate
Required. Must be greater than zero. If Currency is the same as the Base Currency of the company, must be set to 1 and cannot be changed by the user.
Request Date
Ref. No.
Optional. Capslock. Accept any characters.
Project Code
Optional. Visible only when Project Module is installed.
Explanation of Detail Fields
Item No
Required. Capslock. Must be defined in the form Item Master. Only items with Authorized set to true (or equivalent value) can be specified in the purchase order.
Item Name
For display only.
Vendor Item No.
This is the vendor's item number. Optional. Capslock.
Unit Price
Must not be less than zero. Default based on the setting in the form Vendor Price List.
Order Qty.
Required. Must be greater than zero.
Discount %
Optional. Must not be less than zero. Default based on the setting in the form Vendor Catalog.
Initialized as Quantity * Net_Price rounded to 2 decimal places. If the user changes this field, the Discount_Rate will be updated automatically.
When the Schedule Button is pressed
Schedules Group Box
Schedule Date
This is the due date for delivery.
Quantity that needs to be delivered for the particular date. Must be greater than zero.
Shipping Information Tab
Explanation of Fields
Ship to Address
Ship Via
Shipment Terms
Country of Origin
Shipping Mark
Billing Information Tab
Explanation of Fields
Payment Term
Required. Capslock. Must be a valid entry in the Payment Term table. The payment term determines the term discount and due date specifications for future goods received for this invoice.
Vendor Address
For display only.
Gross Item Amount
For display only.
Range 0 to 100. If not zero, compute Trade_Disc_Amt = Gross_Item_Amt * Trade_Disc_Percent / 100. Round to 2 decimal places.
"Field after Trade Discount"
If Trade_Disc_Percent is not zero, this field is for display only.
If Trade_Disc_Percent, must not be less than zero and must not be greater than Gross_Item_Amt.
Total Charges
For display only
Net Order Amount
For display only.
Deposit Needed
True or false. Default to false. If set to true by the user, he will be required to specify either a percentage rate for the deposit or a deposit amount
Deposit Rate (%)
If Deposit_Needed is false, this is set to 0 and cannot be changed by the user. Range 0 to 100.
Deposit Amount
If Deposit_Needed is false, this is set to 0 and cannot be changed by the user.
If Deposit_Rate is not zero, this is read only and automatically computed by the system as (Net_Order_Amt * Deposit_Rate / 100) rounded to 2 decimal places. Must not be less than zero.
Particulars Tab
Explanation of Fields
Check Box
Checked the Check Box if you wish to select this particular
You can optionally edit the Description after the check box is checked.
Charges Tab
Explanation of Fields
Charge Type
Required. Capslock. Must be a valid entry in the form Miscellaneous Charges.
Required. Explanation of the Charge Type
Required. Must be greater than zero.