Payment Deposit

Payment Deposit

This form is used for entry of deposit vouchers. Only 1 deposit payment is assumed per order.

Explanation of Header Fields

Voucher No.

Capslock. Required. Cannot be changed by the user once the record is saved.


Required. Default to system date.

Vendor ID.

Capslock. Required. This is the vendor that will be paid. The vendor can be paid only if his status is not suspended.

Vendor Name

For display only.

Cash Account

Required if the Accounting module is implemented for this company.


Required. Capslock. Cannot be changed by the user once the record is saved.

Exch. Rate

Must be greater than zero.

Amount Paid

Must be greater than zero.

Used Amount

For display only. This shows the total deposit amount paid for the Purchase Orders listed.

Unused Amount

For display only. Computed as Amount_Paid – Used_Amount.

“Auto Apply button”

When this button is pressed, the system will search for Purchase Orders that belongs to the vendor and will apply the Amount_Paid to the Deposit_Amt of the Purchase Orders. The Used_Amount and the Unused_Amount fields will be updated automatically.

Explanation of Detail Fields

P.O. No.

Required. Capslock. Must be a previously posted purchase order. Only purchase orders marked as Deposit Needed can be specified here.

Order Date

For display only.

Request Date

For display only.

Rate (%)

For display only.

Deposit Amount

For display only.

Amount Paid

Must not be less than zero. Set the default to the Deposit_Amount required for the purchase order. This amount is specified during Purchase Order Processing.