Voucher Processing

This form is used for the data entry portion of general ledger transactions. Each transaction in the general ledger system is referred to as a Voucher. The voucher may be entered directly using this form or it may have been automatically generated by the system as a result of postings in Payables, Receivables or the Inventory Control module.

Explanation of Header Fields

Voucher Type

Optional. Define the Voucher Type and hence the Voucher Number Format

Voucher No.

Required. Cannot be changed once the record is saved.


Required. Default to current date. A voucher can be created or amended only if the date on that voucher is within the range of Open_Date_From to Open_Date_To as shown in the open period settings form.


There are actually two fields here, both are for display only. If the item displayed on the first field is "Entry", it means that the voucher is created directly from the General Ledger module.


Capslock. Optional.



Explanation of Detail Fields


Either GL, AR, or AP. Default to GL. For AR/AP Offset Processing

Account No.

Required Must not be blank.

Account Name

For display only.


Line Reference. Optional.

Cury (Currency)

Required. Default to base currency.

Rate (Exch. Rate)

Required. Must be greater than zero. If the currency is the same as the company’s base currency, the exchange rate should be set to 1 and should be shown as for display only.

On entry, user is not allowed to go into this field if the corresponding currency field has not been filled up yet.


Must not be less than zero.


Must not be less than zero. If Debit column is not zero, then Credit must always be zero.

On entry, if Debit column is not zero, then skip this field.



Cheque No.


Explanation of Summary Fields

Local Currency Total Debit, Total Credit, and Difference

These are taken from the corresponding Voucher fields which are automatically updated every time a GLVOUD record is saved or deleted. The Local Currency Total_Debit and Total_Credit amounts in the lower portion of the screen is the summation of the ledger amount in Local Currency.

Total Debit, Total Credit, and Difference

These are taken from the corresponding Voucher fields which are automatically updated every time a GLVOUD record is saved or deleted. The Total_Debit and Total_Credit amounts in the lower portion of the screen is the debit and credit of each individual line. However, The Credit and Debit amounts of the individual lines are in foreign currency.